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Many aspects of this perspective what I am writing about here aligns with biological, social, and practical observations about how societies function. This extends to feminine involvement in rites of passage and rituals in ancient times, which has historically been crucial in integrating individuals into the community. Which also aligns with real-world observations. We all know this but it is treated like this secret elephant in the room that patriarchy does not want to admit. As it wants to see itself as in control and dominant.

Norse goddesses like Frigg and Skadi had important roles in societal and familial matters as well. Frigg, associated with wisdom and foreknowledge, was seen as both a protector of the family and societal stability. Further Celtic societies, including those led by Boudicca, a warrior queen, show examples of women in powerful roles defending their communities. Druids, who were often female, played crucial roles in religious and social matters, including education and mediation.

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