In Evolutionary Astrology, Lilith embodies the primal and instinctual aspects of femininity, serving as a powerful archetype that reflects both personal and collective unconscious dynamics. As the embodiment of the wild woman, she represents a fierce independence and a rejection of societal norms, which can evoke deep-seated fears and challenges within individuals. She represents repression, projection caused by the repression, and by becoming aware of the pattern then freeing ourselves from that repression that first was informed in us by outside influences, then internalized. So the placement in the birth chart shows what energy got repressed in our own unique soul recipe. Then what starts happening too is we can become really outwardly critical toward others who embody and live out this energy that has been suppressed in us. In psychology this is called projection. Sometimes we also project our inner gold that we have disowned onto others.
Lilith has been made into a symbol of the repression of what she used to represent. Where she has been demonised. So both are symbols of instinct and the free expression of it. But made into symbols of chaos and repression, as much as uninhibited chaotic expression that only leads to destruction and harm. Which is not the reality of the shadow when integrated. While societal structures may portray the primal feminine as chaos, and thus something to fear, it can instead be better understood as a vital regulating force. The snake, often viewed as a harbinger of danger, also serves a healing purpose. In mythology, the snake does not act out of malice but responds to cultural and personal transgressions against the wholeness of life, thus offering a transformative opportunity to update consciousness. Nyx, the personification of night, exemplifies this duality. Respected and feared by even the mightiest gods like Zeus, she wields immense power over both gods and mortals, signifying the essential connection between the darkness of the unconscious and the conscious realm. The scepter of Nyx symbolizes authority that must be respected; transgression against her, or the deep wisdom she represents, results in a loss of power and abundance. From her oracular cave, Nyx continued to serve Uranus and his successors (Cronus and ultimately Zeus) as a respected adviser. Nyx was worshipped at the oracles at Delphi.
The Feminine and the Unconscious
The presence of Lilith and Nyx in one's chart invites exploration of the deeper, often hidden aspects of femininity and intuition. This can lead to an awakening of personal sovereignty, urging individuals to confront their primal desires and instinctual drives. The snake represents this journey of exploration, guiding individuals through the shadow aspects of their psyche, elements that may be repressed or dismissed due to societal expectations. Lilith, in her essence, challenges us to face the chaotic elements within ourselves. Rather than viewing them as destructive, we are encouraged to embrace them as necessary components of self-discovery and personal growth. By shifting our perspective towards these aspects of ourselves, we allow for an update in our consciousness, aligning more closely with the divine cosmic order.
Embracing Authenticity and Transformation
This evolutionary journey emphasizes the importance of authenticity. Lilith encourages individuals to embrace their unique expression, reclaiming their identity from societal constraints. In this way, she acts as a catalyst for self-liberation, inviting us to recognize and integrate the complexities of our inner world. In practice, this means confronting fears around vulnerability, intimacy, and the wild aspects of our nature. By doing so, we foster a deeper connection to our true selves, allowing the transformative power of the snake to guide us toward healing. Just as Nyx embodies the wisdom of the night, Lilith invites us to explore the shadows within, illuminating our path to personal and spiritual evolution. In this way, Lilith can challenge and disrupt the status quo, leading to authenticity and a deeper connection to our inner sovereignty, primal nature and desires. In this way she acts as a regulating force with her snake.